
Dear users, you are welcome to register as a user of this website. Please read the following terms of service carefully before registering:

Both parties to this service agreement are users of this website and this service agreement has contractual effect.

After you confirm this service agreement, this service agreement will have legal effect between you and this website. Please be sure to read the entire service agreement carefully before registering. If you have any questions, you can consult this website.

Regardless of whether you have read this service agreement carefully before registration, as long as you click the "register" button below the original agreement and successfully register as a user according to the registration procedure of this website, your behavior still means that you agree and sign this service agreement .

1. Acknowledgment and acceptance of the terms of service of this website

The ownership and operation rights of the services on this website belong to this website.

2. User must:

(1) Equipped with the necessary equipment for Internet access, including personal computers, modems or other necessary Internet access devices.

(2) Pay for the telephone charges and network charges related to this service paid for by personal Internet access.

3. Users are not allowed to publish the following illegal information on the trading platform of this website:

(1) Opposition to the basic principles established by the Constitution;

(2) Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

(3) Damage to national honor and interests;

(4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, or undermining ethnic unity;

(5) Those who undermine the state's religious policy and promote cults and feudal superstitions;

(6) Spreading rumors, disturbing social order, and undermining social stability;

(7) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigating crimes;

(8) Insulting or slandering others, infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others;

(9) Contains other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

4. About personal data

User agrees to:

(1) Provide timely, detailed and accurate personal information.

(2). Agree to receive information from this website.

(3) Continuously update the registration information to meet the requirements of timely, detailed and accurate. All originally typed data will be cited as registered data.

(4) This website does not disclose the user's name, address, e-mail address and pseudonym, except in the following cases:

(a) The user authorizes this website to disclose such information.

(b) Corresponding laws and procedures require this website to provide users' personal data. If the information provided by the user contains incorrect information, this website reserves the right to terminate the user's qualification to use the information service of this website.

5. Users should choose an email address with relatively good stability and security when registering, and agree to accept and read all kinds of emails sent to users by this website. If the user fails to receive emails from his own email address in time, or the email cannot be received or read normally due to problems with the user's email address or the user's email receiving and reading program itself, as long as this website successfully sends the email, it shall be deemed that The user has received the relevant email. The sending time recorded on the sending server of the e-mail is regarded as the delivery time.

6. Modification of Terms of Service

This website has the right to modify the terms of service when necessary. Once the terms of service of this website are changed, the modified content will be prompted on important pages. If you do not agree with the changed content, the user can voluntarily cancel the information services obtained on this website. If the user continues to enjoy the information services of this website, it is deemed to accept the changes in the terms of service. This website reserves the right to modify or discontinue services at any time without notifying users. This website exercises the right to modify or discontinue services without any responsibility to users or third parties.

7. User Privacy System

Respect for user privacy is a fundamental policy of this website. Therefore, this website must not disclose, edit or disclose its registration information and non-public content stored in this website without the authorization of legitimate users, unless there is a legal requirement or this website believes that this information should be disclosed on the basis of good faith. It is necessary in the following four situations:

(1) Comply with relevant laws and regulations and follow the legal service procedures of this website.

(2) Maintain and maintain the trademark ownership of this website.

(3) Strive to maintain the privacy and security of users and the general public in emergency situations.

(4) Meet other relevant requirements.

This website reserves the right to publish member demographic analysis information.

8. User's account, password and security

Once you have successfully registered as a user, you will get a password and account number. If you do not keep your account and password safe, you will be fully responsible. Additionally, each user is solely responsible for all activities and events in their account. You can change your password at any time as instructed, or close your old account and open a new one. The user agrees to notify this website immediately if any illegal use of the user account or security loophole is found.

9. refuse to provide guarantee

The user expressly agrees that the use of the information service is at the user's own risk. This website does not guarantee that the service will not be interrupted, nor does it guarantee the timeliness, security, or error of the service, but it will be within the scope of its ability to avoid errors.

10. Limited Liability

This website is not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, special and consequential damages arising from: improper use of the services of this website, or the information transmitted by users does not meet the regulations. These actions may cause damage to the image of this website, so this website proposes the possibility of such damage in advance, and will try to avoid the occurrence of such damage.

11. Storage and Restriction of Information

This website has the right to determine whether the user's behavior conforms to the requirements and spirit of the terms of service of this website. If the user violates the provisions of the terms of service of this website, this website has the right to suspend the account of its service.

12. User Management

Users must follow:

(1) The use of information services is not for illegal purposes.

(2) Do not interfere or disrupt network services.

(3) Comply with all network protocols, regulations, procedures and practices for using the service. The User's Code of Conduct is based on Internet regulations, policies, procedures and practices.

13. Assure

The user agrees to protect and safeguard the interests of all members of this website, and is responsible for paying the lawyer's fees caused by the user's use beyond the scope of the service, the damage compensation fee for violating the terms of service, and the recourse fee for other people's use of the user's computer, account and other intellectual property rights.

14. end of service

The user or this website may interrupt one or more services at any time according to the actual situation. This website is not responsible for any individual or third party for any interruption of service at any time. If the user objects to any suggestion of the terms of service or has any objection to the subsequent modification of the terms, or is dissatisfied with the services of this website, the user can exercise the following rights:

(1) No longer use the information services of this website.

(2) Notify this website to stop the service to the user.

After the end of the user service, the user's right to use the services of this website is immediately suspended. From then on, users have no right, nor is this website obliged to transmit any unprocessed information or unfinished services to users or third parties.

15. notice

All notices to users may be delivered via announcements on important pages or by e-mail or regular mail. Modifications to the terms of service, service changes, or announcements of other important events will be made in this form.

16. Ownership of Information Content

The information content defined by this website includes: text, software, sound, photos, videos, graphics; all content in advertisements; other information provided by this website for users. All such content is protected by copyright, trademark, labeling and other property ownership laws. Therefore, users can only use these contents with the authorization of this website and advertisers, and cannot copy, reproduce or create derivative products related to the contents without authorization.

17. law

The information service terms of this website shall be consistent with the legal interpretation of the People's Republic of China. Users and this website agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the court of competent jurisdiction in the location of this website. In the event of a conflict between the terms of service of this website and the laws of the People's Republic of China, these terms will be completely reinterpreted in accordance with the law, and other terms will remain binding on users.